Interview with Wilson Tang of Nom Wah Tea Parlor

Today we're sharing one of our favorite interviews with you: Lynda's chat with Wilson Tang of Nom Wah Tea Parlor. If you've heard our episode, "The Story of Dim Sum, and Then Some", you may remember hearing clips from him as the owner of NYC's oldest dim sum restaurant. If you haven't … then damn. Get on that, 'cause it's a good one.

In the full-length interview, Wilson tells us about how he left a white collar career to follow in his family's footsteps, pursuing his passion for hospitality and food. He also talks more about Nom Wah and the varied clientele of the original restaurant in Chinatown thanks to its history (bloody angle!), location (jury duty!), and Wilson's use of social media and all-day dining concept. Who says you can't enjoy dim sum at night with a beer or a nice glass of wine?

He then discusses the challenges of running a dim sum restaurant business as making dim sum is becoming a bit of a dying art. But Wilson is doing something right as Nom Wah opens their 3rd location in Nolita, and he gives us a preview of what the future of dim sum and Nom Wah might be like.

But as we mentioned in "The Story of Dim Sum, And Then Some", the tradition of yum cha is almost less about the food and about the weekly gathering of family and friends to break bread together. Wilson mentions his concerns with modern day dining and how we're consumed by electronics, even at the dining table.

"I feel like we're in an age where communication is lacking. We forget that people come together at a dining room table with food, and you talk, and you converse, and you eat. That has become increasingly unseen." - Wilson Tang on modern day dining.

Let us know what you think by rating us on iTunes and leaving us a review, or hit us up on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. We'll be taking a holiday break soon so make sure you sign up for our mailing list to stay updated. And of course, be sure to get some dim sum at Nom Wah next time you're in NYC or Philly!

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